How to keep men at a distance or how to interpose God is the same: Divide by two. Into the things he saw, and the place he marked when he left. You keep waiting for something to step out of the flat muds, much alike Emily Brontë's (1818–1848) many habitual spellings of the word 'kichin' meaning kitchen.
Drawing on Sylvia Wynter’s (*1928) premise of false universalisms of world and the overrepresentation of man (and in reference to the many feminized bodies of nature found in early modern depictions of mining), only one concern remains: That of body.
Meanwhile, I watched myself repeat the notion of being left.
Caught in a dance some people refer to as poesis, I found myself in an undetected, fragile pursuit of something Anne Carson refers to as Letters, [that] made one day different from another, made if into sun.
It carries a private collection of commentaries on form and world-making.